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One of the problems that worries parents is the poor performance of their children. Others are reaching for it as a train: a poor attitude towards the teacher, poor behavior and a decrease in cognitive interest up to its complete absence.

A universal recipe for good school performance does not yet exist, but there are several important rules that must be followed by both children and their parents. But before moving on to specific tips, let’s recall that the main indicator of school failure is poor grades. And no matter how painful it was for us to see a deuce or a triple in the child’s diary, it’s worth understanding the reason for its occurrence, talking with the child and, if necessary, with the teacher. And only then draw certain conclusions. History remembers many cases when a talented child could not break out of the existing education system, having to remain in the category of unsuccessful children, despite their capabilities. Be attentive to your children and always find the strength to support them.

How to avoid school failure?

Returning to the specifics, let’s look at what the student’s academic performance depends on in order to develop specific methods of dealing with poor grades.

Misunderstanding of the material. Each of us must have heard at least once that a good teacher these days is worth its weight in gold. It depends on the teacher and his method of presentation of the material in how much information is absorbed in the consciousness of children. Therefore, if your child tries, does a lot of work, but the subject is “not given” – think about using the services of a tutor who will choose the right path for the transfer of information and its further assimilation.
Distractions. The most common ailment of today’s youth is the inability to concentrate their attention on one subject for a long time. This most often leads to the fact that children are constantly distracted by something, or simply stop practicing. In order to avoid such situations, you need to create a comfortable atmosphere for the child to work on the lessons (ventilate the room, put in good lighting, a comfortable chair), minimize distractions (turn off the computer, music, put the phone into silent mode). In addition to a comfortable atmosphere, competent parental advice will help. Analyze with your child why he is unable to take lessons, what will help him in this problem, why this or that lesson will be useful for him.
The system of moral guidelines. If you notice that your child does not want to learn, because it is “unpopular” or “stupid”, then think about whether he fell into the trap of falsely imposed ideals. Your child could fall into a bad company in which the scale of moral values ​​does not coincide with the generally accepted one, and the school is put on its last steps. In this situation, you should contact a school psychologist or head teacher, understand the situation and proceed with active actions to save the child from the debt hole.
How to avoid school failure?

The reasons for poor performance are varied: it is social conditions, and how educated the parents of the student, the attitude to the child and the level of teachers in the school, as well as the physical and mental factors of the child’s development.

If poor progress is associated with poor health, then this requires special measures from specialists, but certain causes of poor progress can be corrected independently.

Many parents have great expectations from their child, they crave for him success and give him to the most prestigious gymnasiums with a complex curriculum. It is important to correctly assess the capabilities of your child. Will he pull this program?

How to avoid school failure?

If the child does not live up to your expectations, in no case should you show disappointment in him, do not criticize or scold him – this will increase the anxiety of your student and lower his self-esteem. After all, the child will not be able to believe in his strength, even if the closest ones do not believe in him.

Do not compare the successes or failures of a student with any kind of “standard”, for example, with a grandmother or father at his age, with the best student in the class. However, you can compare the child with yourself – his past and present achievements.

Support the teenager, praise even for a little success. Let him see that you believe in him – this will encourage him to try to learn.

It is also very important that the training arouses interest in the child. For this, it is necessary to include game elements in the pedagogical process. It is important that the child does not study for the sake of appreciation, but because he is interested.

In the fight against academic failure, prevention is important. When the study is started, everything is more difficult to fix. Therefore, it is necessary to create a day regimen for the student – this will develop such qualities as discipline and responsibility, as well as endurance.

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Raising a smart child
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