Literally repeating material many times in a row is one of the oldest teaching methods. Its roots go back to the 19th century. It was then that teachers forced the…

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Can I yell at a child? Note that the scream is different. Take Italian families: any, even everyday issues, temperamental southerners discuss at high decibels. Italians do not hide emotions,…

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Nowadays, the role of the father in the life of the boy has become not so obvious. Moreover, diametrically opposing views on this issue can be found. But let’s take a look at it without prejudice.

In the first 6-8 months, your baby and you are practically a single whole. It is impossible to imagine him without you and you without him. And a little later, the baby begins to realize that “mother” and “I” are completely different people, that he will now be able to take some steps himself. The process of psychological separation begins.

It is during this period that the concept of “I” appears. The child begins to become aware of himself as a person. Naturally, much of this person will be the fruit of his own experience. Something will become the fruit of education and upbringing. But, like a good house, a harmoniously developed personality should have a good foundation. Unfortunately, in the case of a child it is impossible to conclude an agreement with a team of builders. And even do it yourself. Let’s try to figure out how everything happens.

The role of the father in the life of the boy

The process of personality formation begins with a gradual study of the world. Over time, the child learns the things and events that surround him, learns to interact with them. At this stage of personality formation, it is necessary to show that the world around is a safe, vibrant and friendly place. It is necessary to create conditions in which the child could understand that he is not an accidental guest in this world. These impressions in the future will leave their mark on the rest of their lives, manifesting themselves on a subconscious level. This difficult task is extremely difficult to solve alone.

In the very first weeks of life, a child simply needs tactile contact with both parents. This not only gives a sense of security, but also helps in the future to harmoniously form as a person. In addition, touch language is the first way a child can communicate. And it is extremely important that the child is in contact not only with his mother, but also with his father.

The role of the father in the life of the boy

Many psychologists and teachers agree that your baby should feel the presence and participation of the father from the very first days. Perhaps you remember the children’s song “Dad can, dad can be anyone, Only a mom, only a mom cannot be!” It is difficult to assess how deep the meaning is in these simple lines, how much space the father actually takes in the boy’s life. Indeed, in fact, the role of each parent in the family is unique, and one cannot replace the other with all desire.

Let’s look at the role of the father in raising the boy with concrete examples and see why his participation is difficult, and sometimes impossible to replace with anything.

The games of father and son are completely different, not like games with mom. They are more active, mobile, they have some kind of competition. Sometimes it even seems that they are somewhat aggressive and dangerous. But it is in such games that the boy learns to be a man – not to be afraid of difficulties, be able to challenge a stronger opponent and defend the weak.

The role of the father in the life of the boy

Unlike unconditional motherly love, father’s love is more substantive. She needs to be earned. Thus, the father encourages some actions and achievements of the boy, motivates him to conquer new heights. After all, you will not argue that the highest praise is pride in the eyes of parents, especially one who was an example and model of masculinity?

It is the father who, by his example, shows how a small man should behave towards women. Any of his actions are considered a priori correct, and in the future, all relations with women are built according to those patterns that the child unconsciously copied from his father. If for some reason the father’s participation in the formation of these templates is removed, it will be difficult for the child to build relationships with girls in the future. Of course, you can tell him that girls need to be protected and protected, that they need to be taken care of and taken care of. But do you remember the saying that it’s better to see once than hear a hundred times?

Parents’ behavior is always an example to follow, children adopt models of behavior, your child will probably do the same in different situations as you usually do. An example of masculinity can only be a father. The way men perceive the world around them, how they interact with it, how they perceive and process information, is fundamentally different from similar processes in women. Men and women have completely different gestures,

facial expressions and perception of the world. Our children watch us, compare and draw conclusions. Therefore, for a boy, his father is a role model and unquestioned authority in everything that relates to behavior, work or hobbies.

They say that boys perceive what they are told. While girls primarily perceive how they are told something. That is why the father’s speech may seem dry and concise. He will say something briefly and to the point. And mothers are more emotional, flexible and sensitive.

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