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Any parent wants his child to grow up as a successful and independent person. But for this you need to properly educate him. And housekeeping in this business is not the last thing.

No need to think that only girls should be put on the stove and the washing machine. Any child should become independent, therefore children of both sexes need to learn how to peel potatoes and iron clothes. Sometimes it seems that the child and the economy are two incompatible concepts. However, in many families, children help with household chores. You just need to know how to properly attach the baby to this matter.

It is necessary to accustom the child to the economy gradually, starting with small actions. At 3 years, the baby begins to repeat as much as possible behind others. Therefore, even at this age, you can give him simple tasks. Wipe a stain of water from the table, put the toy in place, put a spoon in the sink. The main thing is to first show by your own example to the child how this is done. Even better if the cleaning turns into a game. For example, “Bunny wants to go to the house. Put him to sleep. ” Or “You don’t like to be dirty, here’s the plug too. She needs to take a bath too. ”

When the child turns 5, you can begin to more difficult tasks. Divide the dirty linen into dark and light, wash the dishes, sweep the floor. Let the son or daughter feel necessary and useful. At the same time, the child has a sense of responsibility. He understands: washed dishes – eats from a clean plate, forgot to remove dust from the floor – soiled white socks. It is at this moment that the baby notices: actions have consequences. Such a common thing as cleaning prepares him for adulthood.

At the age of 7-8 years, the child can become a full-fledged au pair. It is time to teach elementary culinary skills: fry omelettes, cook dumplings, cut vegetables into salad. Then, being at work, you can not worry that your child, after leaving school, will remain hungry. He will be able to take care of himself. Then you need to accustom the student to order. Tell him that removing a couple of things every day is much easier than having abandoned everything and, in the end, doing the general cleaning all weekend.

At first, doing some activity together, gradually bring it to an independent child’s performance. For example, you can first go to the store to shop together, and then send the baby alone.

It is also important to diversify the household. Let the child do something new every day so as not to get bored. You can create a joint work schedule. For example, in the afternoon he washes dishes, in the evening – mom.

Housekeeping should be a regular event. Then the child will get used to it, and it will become a habit for him. Like brushing your teeth.

In no case do not use homework as a means of punishment. Housekeeping or cooking should be associated with a pleasant pastime, and not serve as a hateful memory.

And remember, no criticism! Swearing was never useful. If the child does not succeed, calmly, without screaming, explain to him how to do it right. Be patient and remember yourself in your childhood. Surely you yourself at least once burned your socks while stroking.

Housekeeping and the child are complex things. It is not surprising that the baby begins to act up and say that he will not clean in his room and help cut vegetables. Most often, it is the parents themselves who are to blame. Consider several situations.

A child does not clean up after himself simply because his parents did not teach him to do this. Most likely, they felt sorry for the baby, saying: “He is still small, he will grow up – then he will work out.” But in the end it turns out that the child does not have such an important and elementary habit as cleaning dishes for himself.
The kid does not monitor cleanliness, because the parents themselves are not very clean. If dad scatters socks, mom doesn’t wash the dishes, and the older brother leaves books and textbooks everywhere, then how can one demand cleanliness from a child? You must first monitor yourself, and only then reproach the son or daughter.
If all individualists in the family are not used to working together, everyone lives on their own, without asking the opinions of others, it is not surprising that the child grows up as an egoist who thinks only of himself.
Sometimes the child does not want to help, because he simply did not hear kind words from his parents. Mom and Dad do not praise him for his good grades, for winning the Olympics, for the cleanliness of the room. They take these victories, big and small, for granted. From this, the child’s motivation disappears, he ceases to do anything. Do not forget to praise and encourage your children, it is very important for them.
children help with housework

Helping children with the housework is an important step in the development of the baby. To facilitate the transition to adulthood, parents can use the following tips:
Act all together. Even if the child is still small, but he already wants to help you.

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