If you, dear parents, have to spend time with your child doing homework every night, this article is for you.
Parents are nervous, children cry and refuse to do homework, go to school. Because of homework in the house, constant scandals. Familiar situation? We think that most of you have it. And I really want the perfect child to do everything himself, and dad and mom opened the diary in the evening and saw five there. How to improve school performance and how to make sure that you do not have to spend all your evenings and weekends on it? After all, opening a diary and looking in notebooks on various subjects, you see a completely different picture. Despite the fact that you invest a lot of time and energy in teaching a child.
Parents need to know how to improve school performance.
You must decide which of you is in school – you or your child? Often you can hear from parents: “we did our homework,” “we got a deuce,” “we taught the poem for 3 hours.” Who are we? You already graduated from school many years ago, and now your child is studying, not you. When you say “we” (most often mothers do it), you emphasize that you share the responsibility for training, for obtaining knowledge in half. Then do not be surprised that a child does not want to do anything without you.
Try to establish the regimen of the child’s day and organize it in such a way that he has a clear amount of time to complete his homework.
Find out the reasons why the child is not studying well, and think what exactly you can do to make a difference. Just remember, the child must solve most of his problems on his own, and you can only help him, but not solve everything instead.
If a child has poor memory, problems with remembering, he learns poetry for a long time, does not know how to concentrate on a task, does everything slowly, then pay attention to mental arithmetic. In the process of training according to SMARTUM methods, the child learns not only quickly and correctly count. He develops fine motor skills (working with an abacus), which is already beginning to positively affect the functioning of the brain, attention concentration and photographic memory are increasing, the fear of making mistakes disappears and self-confidence appears.
child’s school performance
It is possible that poor performance in elementary school is a manifestation of the child’s natural laziness, which psychologists directly associate with the characteristics of the types of children’s temperament. Weak thinking speed, sluggish hand motility, low dynamism of cognitive processes, lack of interest due to narrow horizons – this is not a disease, these are vectors of stimulating actions. In other words, these are the shortcomings of the intellectual, physical development of a baby of the 2-3rd grade, with which one can and must fight. This is how we learn how to improve a child’s school performance.
Some parents are sure that children’s educational programs and encyclopedias are capable of sowing a thirst for knowledge, therefore they are not serious about the early development of the baby in specialized preschool centers, limiting his social and didactic formation.
It is possible to improve the child’s academic performance in primary school long before the appearance of a potential problem by creating the necessary skills base in the course of the correct preparation of the baby for school. Children attending additional classes begin to write, read and count much earlier than their peers. A unique method of mental arithmetic, which stimulates the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, contributes to the harmonious formation of types of memory and thinking.
Often poor performance in high school is the result of insufficient motivation for knowledge. Also, the factors that form the low threshold of the didactic needs of a child of grade 7 include:
• psychological barriers in communication with classmates and teachers;
• the complexity of the perception of educational material due to the bias of the applied methods;
• overload of homework and extracurricular tasks;
• low level of intelligence – as a result of poor or lack of preparation for school;
• health problems.
Improving the performance of students in grade 8 is a complex process that requires the interaction of both teachers and parents. With timely and correctly performed diagnostics, it is possible to establish not only the reasons that led to the formation of a low level of knowledge, but also to determine the only effective methods for improving academic performance. In some cases, it is enough to interest the child – to create a motivational base for studying the exact and humanitarian sciences. More often, improving performance requires “pulling up” in the disciplines, catching up the school curriculum.
The puberty is one of the most difficult stages in the life of any person. You may be lucky and your child’s grades will remain at the same level.