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A person is born with a certain temperament, and it is impossible to remake it. When raising parents, parents should take into account the characteristics of their child so that it is easier for him to adapt in this world. The baby will not change – he was born as he is. Adults should adjust their education so that the personality is formed most harmoniously.

What does a melancholic child look like? He is vulnerable, sensitive and indecisive, worried for any reason. This type of temperament has a weak neuropsychological organization, which means that the main motto in his upbringing is not to harm.

Melancholy people are gentle obedient children, they are so indecisive and non-initiative, that it is difficult for them to make new acquaintances, but if they make friends with someone, they will be great friends. Teachers at school call them distracted and inattentive – melancholic people cannot concentrate on the educational process, they quickly get tired and lose interest.

Melancholy people already have a high level of empathy in childhood. The new situation is a catastrophe for their nervous system, because they feel overly subtle people around them, they can empathize with their loved ones, and they are great at listening. The melancholic is often in frustrated feelings; touchiness, thoughtfulness, and even vindication interfere with tuning the baby in an optimistic way.

What is the difficulty of educating a melancholy?
Parents often have the question of how to raise a melancholy child. When raising such a baby, parents may experience certain difficulties. Due to the slowly proceeding mental processes, it is difficult for children to get knowledge, there are problems with learning. It is difficult for them to build relationships with peers. Even with his own parents, the child is in no hurry to share secret thoughts.

Due to the isolation nature, psychologists recommend restricting the child to attend kindergarten. If the baby is panicky afraid of someone else’s team, it is better not to injure the psyche.

The sensitivity of the melancholy prevents them even from falling asleep calmly, and their morning begins with whims.

As you know, children must be brought up with love. This is especially true for melancholy. An empathic kid who has a delicate sense of self will develop harmoniously if his parents approve him as often as possible. Tactile contact and confidential conversations are required.

Psychologists recommend not to burden the child with a large number of developing circles, not to invite noisy companies to the house. It is advisable that family members do not speak elevated tones. Organize a “safety zone” for the melancholic: the baby should feel that they love and protect him.

Help the child develop talents, praise even for small successes, organize a comfortable atmosphere for the gentle psyche, and then the child will be able to find his place in life.

Raising a melancholy child is an important process that requires attention and patience. Therefore, mom and dad come in handy a few tips.

Always remember the psychophysical features of your baby. Grow it according to them. The basic principle is do no harm.
While your baby is very small, protect him from the negative effects of the environment. Just remember the difference between isolation and protection of the psyche of the child. He must feel your love, care, protection, support. Try to avoid family quarrels and conflicts. Do not make a guest house out of the house. Do not watch scary programs and horror films, do not turn on loud music.
Protect his peace of mind by all means known to you, keep a fragile mental organization. Protect from children and adults who can offend or offend him.
No need to demand more from him than he can give. This applies to knowledge, housekeeping, assistance in business. Do not load it with educational games and training exercises.
Contribute to his socialization, help him find friends. Explain how to communicate. Practice conversations at home before sending him in contact with peers. Raising a Melancholy Child
No need to put pressure on him, call him names, to customize in business. Let him work at his own pace. It is not necessary to speak in an orderly tone, it is better to ask gently.
Come up with a gentle form of punishment. No battering. This will cause him not only physical, but also mental trauma. The best punishment would be for a melancholic a strict but fair reprimand, with the obligatory explanation of why you are punishing him.
Use tactile contact. As often as possible, hold the child’s hand, hug, kiss, say how you love him and be sure to support in everything.
Your family relationships should be built on mutual trust, respect and understanding.
Teach him to take care of others. These may be younger siblings or a pet. When the baby begins to take care of someone else, he will be distracted from his own worries and problems. Give him the tasks he can handle.

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