It is no secret that at all times the person who spoke foreign languages was very successful. He had the opportunity to travel a lot, meet interesting people, read books in the original, get an excellent job, and with it good money. Therefore, it is not surprising that parents dream of a polyglot child.
Many parents are looking for the answer to the question of how to quickly learn a foreign language. And they also think at what age to start educating a child. Now many mothers and dad have a positive attitude to early developmental activities, where from 2-3 years old the baby develops such qualities as memory, thinking, imagination, concentration. And foreign languages in this series are no exception.
How to quickly learn a foreign language?
If a baby hears foreign speech from the first days of life, this is very good. Most often this happens in families where spouses of different nationalities. Sometimes parents just learn the phrases “Good morning!”, “Good afternoon!” And “Good evening!” In different languages, and after them the child teaches them. Such actions fit well into the educational program, but no more. For the baby, early development is important as a process of creating a favorable learning atmosphere. If the parents do not follow the simple “fed-watered-washed” scheme, but also invest a lot of time and energy into the development of the child, then the result will not be long in coming. Such a kid shows great success.
There is a way to quickly learn a foreign language. For this, parents must understand that communication skills are formed in the baby from birth. The faster he hears foreign words, the better they will learn from him. In infants, there are two speech sites in the cerebral cortex: the Wernicke and Broca centers. Thanks to them, the baby learns their native language. The center of Wernicke is located in the cortex of the hearing of the temporal lobe. It recognizes sounds and deciphers the meaning of phrases. Brock’s center is located in the frontal lobe near the site that controls the articulation apparatus. He plays sounds and builds sentences. In the first year of life, the baby perceives sounds by ear, tries to imitate them, he creates associations between things and their names. The child is trying to understand the meaning of the words. The baby begins to talk by 1.5-2 years. And in this case, it does not matter how many languages the baby heard.
A child can achieve great results in learning a foreign language if he begins to study at preschool age and hears for several hours a day. Many parents send their kids to kindergarten with learning English. But there classes go 1-2 times a week, and this is not enough for the child. Therefore, you need to ensure that the practice is constant.
When a person turns 10-12 years old, his cerebral cortex is finally formed. If earlier the child had information on pronunciation and intonation in the right hemisphere, and phonetics, grammar, and syntax in the left, now only one dominant hemisphere is responsible for learning foreign languages. Because of this, the learning process slows down, because it takes a lot of time to extract the necessary data. So keep in mind that children who learn a foreign language after 8 years old often have problems with perfect pronunciation.
For a child to be able to learn a foreign language on his own, you need to know the features of his education. In children, only a figurative memory is formed. They memorize words thanks to images that are emotionally colored. These images are formed using the senses. Shaped memory is the strongest and long-term. It leads to automatic memorization. To use it, you need only a good incentive, and not willpower or special techniques.
In schoolchildren, verbal memory is considered predominant. They absorb material through words and signs.
To learn a foreign language faster, you need to create a special environment. Before the first grade, teaching a child is based on games, and not on teaching aids. Also one of the great ways is active communication. Tasks should be built in such a way that they correspond to the age of the child, are interesting to him and are close to the real world.
Some parents have a controversial question: find a son or daughter a tutor or give to developmental classes for kids? Experts believe that it is better for preschoolers to learn languages in small groups of 4-6 children. In society, children communicate with each other, compete, have fun. Therefore, the benefits and more. Now children have been taking classes since 3 years old. It is only necessary to remember that you can not overwork the baby, otherwise he will become bored, he will lose interest in learning.
To maintain the incentive to learn, classes for a 2-year-old child should be no more than 20 minutes a day. For children 4-5 years old – a maximum of half an hour. For older preschoolers – 30-35 minutes.