Compliance with the basic rules of etiquette is one of the key indicators that determine a harmoniously formed personality. You should not postpone teaching your child good manners and principles of behavior in society to the far shelf – these rules work not only outside but also inside home walls, at a common family table, creating fertile ground for the development of intellectual conversation and useful social skills in general.
Knowledge of the rules of etiquette for many centuries determined the position of a person in society, his popularity and inner attractiveness. The art of owning a situation in an unfamiliar environment, the ability not to succumb to cheap provocations, defending oneself with a well-calibrated moral shield, the ability to join high society – these are just the first lines from an endless list of positive results of working on yourself and your manners.
In connection with the desire to see your son or daughter among educated and intelligent people, a fair question arises: how to teach a child good manners? This will be our article.
Teaching a child good manners
Before you begin to educate your child, be sure to discuss your plans within the family so that there is no situation where parents lead different lines, explaining different things to the child and instilling different systems of moral values. Think, what is more important for you – preservation of the individuality of the child, whatever it may be, or his re-education with emphasis on the norms and rules accepted in society.
With the choice of tactics, methodological literature, master classes and personal experience of the older generation will help you. Remember how your own parents instilled good manners in you, talk to them – often grandparents often contribute the most to teaching grandchildren good manners and etiquette.
Learning etiquette cannot be compared with cramming rules, certain answers and reactions to a particular action. It is impossible to choose a specific day or period when you tell your child: “Today we learn good manners” is a long and painstaking process that can last throughout life. Children unconsciously adopt everything bad and good that they notice around them, and their parents have a special influence. In this regard, remember that the etiquette and good manners of your children begin first of all with yourself.
By laying the table, talking with your spouse, commenting on the film that you watch as a family – each of your words can tip the scales of morality and the ability to behave in society in the opposite direction. This does not mean that you must subordinate control to each breath you take, but if you require a child to behave worthy of a royal court, then make sure that you can demonstrate such behavior yourself.
One of the common mistakes made by parents is that in the process of upbringing they rely solely on a personal example – this is the flip side of the coin, the other extreme, which should also be avoided. Of course, a child growing up in an intelligent family, where everyone knows what good manners is, will also behave culturally and restrained, but a good theoretical base will never interfere with practice and personal observations.
Practice together
The best way of learning, in the process of which information is acquired faster and more reliable than anything else, is a practice based on personal interest. It follows that it is better to go to a restaurant with your son or daughter than to talk to him or her about the rules of conduct in a high-class public place a hundred times. The same scheme works at home – play role-playing games, show, use everything that is at hand.
Explain to the child why this is necessary not only for adults, but also for himself. Most often, children who noticed in time that good manners, courtesy and courtesy lead to results faster than aggression and impulsiveness, master this non-trivial science much faster, manifesting ever higher standards of communication and social interaction.
If you don’t have the opportunity to spend enough time with children, take the opportunity to educate your child in a children’s club such as the School of Ladies and Gentlemen, etc. Communicating with peers, children under the guidance of experienced teachers will gradually acquire the necessary communication skills, improving their manners and honing individuality.
The main disadvantage of such a circle is the fact that, returning home, children can not always consolidate their knowledge, and sometimes even see the exact opposite behavior from their parents. Therefore, if you decide to have your son or daughter seriously engage in acquiring behavioral skills in high society, try to match and complement the theory.