No matter what age a person reaches, he will always be haunted by fears from distant childhood. No matter how far we hide them in our subconscious, they will still affect our lives. The influence of children’s fears is very great, so parents need to do everything so that these phobias are as small as possible.
Each of us is afraid of something, and no matter how old we are. Fear is the natural state of an organism in anticipation of danger. An adult has all the strength and ability to overcome his phobias. But the child needs help to do this. Sometimes he does not understand what is happening. The task of parents is to relate to children’s fears correctly, to be able to overcome them and not themselves become a cause of anxiety and panic.
Children’s fear is a feeling of anxiety in a child under 16 years old. At each age, the baby is afraid of something special, inherent in exactly the age at which the child is now. Continue reading
Compliance with the basic rules of etiquette is one of the key indicators that determine a harmoniously formed personality. You should not postpone teaching your child good manners and principles of behavior in society to the far shelf – these rules work not only outside but also inside home walls, at a common family table, creating fertile ground for the development of intellectual conversation and useful social skills in general.
Knowledge of the rules of etiquette for many centuries determined the position of a person in society, his popularity and inner attractiveness. The art of owning a situation in an unfamiliar environment, the ability not to succumb to cheap provocations, defending oneself with a well-calibrated moral shield, the ability to join high society – these are just the first lines from an endless list of positive results of working on yourself and your manners.
In connection with the desire to see your son or daughter among educated and intelligent people, a fair question arises: how to teach a child good manners? This will be our article. Continue reading