School years are one of the main stages in the life of any person. It is at this time that the personality develops, the potential is revealed, knowledge and skills are acquired. Therefore, it is very important to give the child maximum attention during this period and understand why the child is learning poorly. After all, all his future life will depend on his study and concentration.
If the child is a good student – this is the joy of any parent. But if problems arise, then the schoolchild, the teacher, and mom and dad lose their calm. Let’s try to figure out why the child is not good at school.
The reasons are different. Firstly, the health of the child. School, especially at first, is always stress. Before her, the baby was accustomed to a certain lifestyle, team, schedule, his rights and responsibilities. And after the transition to an educational institution, the whole order of things changes. You have to adapt to the new, but this does not always work. Then stress makes itself felt, and the first-grader begins to have problems with school.
Unfortunately, there are also cases when a child is painful in itself. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor and, if he decides that it will be better, transfer the child to home schooling.
Secondly, poor grades can occur due to fatigue. Modern children simply have a frantic rhythm of life. In the morning they are at school, then run to the tutor in English, then he has a sports section, and in the end he draws. Between the extra activities, the poor man does not even have time to eat. He comes at night, crumbles from his feet, and he still has to do his homework. Not every adult will cope with such a load. In this case, it is better to abandon any circles. Explain to your child that rest is just as important as work and work. The more a person gets tired, the less productive he becomes. It is necessary that your son or daughter understand this and in the future correctly allocate their time and draw up a work schedule.
Another reason for poor academic performance is problems that occur directly in school. For example, a teacher does not teach well. Unfortunately, it happens that the teacher knows his subject well, but can not always convey the material to the children. In this case, you need to talk with other parents, the head teacher and / or director in order to try to solve this problem together.
Another source of poor grades may be a conflict between classmates. Children are often angry. Bullying, disputes, quarrels sometimes stand side by side with lessons, breaks, school holidays and competitions. If this is the case, then first of all you need to talk with the parents of the student who offends your child. Most often it’s a lost pen or candy. If something more serious appears, then you should connect a school psychologist and a director. Adults should not leave conflicting children unattended.
And the most important thing, because of which the child begins to ignore school, is the situation in the family. The elementary student may miss the attention of mom and dad. Parents are late at work, they are always busy. The child is under the supervision of a grandmother or nanny. Then he thought: “I won’t do my homework, I’ll get a deuce, maybe then my mother will talk to me, look at me.” Of course, this is the wrong way out, but the child, deprived of attention, it seems that he came up with a great plan. Therefore, adults should not forget: work is important, but family comes first.
And it’s really bad if the situation in the family is difficult or tense. Divorce of parents, quarrels between mother and grandmother, lack of understanding with the older sister – all this affects the child. What kind of homework can we talk about if the student is constantly thinking about what kind of chaos is in the apartment.
Parents often have the question of what to do if the child is a poor student. Unfortunately, many adults scandal over the top three, but they won’t even praise the top five. This is the wrong tactic. Everything should be in moderation. The child should not be afraid to go home after receiving a bad mark. And for good he must be praised.
The main thing is to motivate the student to study. Here, each baby needs an individual approach. Pocket money will be an excellent incentive for one, buying a bicycle for another, and a weekend trip with your family for a third. For each child you can find a key, you just need to try.
Parents, first of all, should think about the atmosphere that prevails in the family. Otherwise, the problems will affect not only themselves, but also the child. Remember, only a family where people live in love, care and respect for each other can overcome all difficulties and become happy.